Friday, March 18, 2011


You've heard of Trash-the-Dress and maybe even Rock-the-Dress, well I'm going to introduce you to the Unbridaled Session!  By definition, unbridled means unrestrained.  And that's exactly what this session limits!  Just you in your wedding dress, with no rules!  Want to trash your dress and get completely dirty, run through the ocean or roll in the surf, jump off a dock?  Let's do it!  Or maybe you just want to get some amazing photos in locations that just didn't fit into your wedding day schedule or to try out a new look, well let's go have some fun!  This session is all about YOU!  And if you want to include your hubby...bring him along!  :)  It doesn't matter if you were married 5 weeks ago or 5 years ago, this session will be the most fun you'll ever have in your wedding dress....well...maybe not the most fun, but it will definitely be in the top 2!  ;)

So, I went out the other day with my photog friend, Stephanie to get these super fun photos!  We both got all dolled up in our wedding gowns and photographed eachother.  It was definitely a sight to behold, but so much fun!  :)  Click here to check out the post from Steph's wedding 2 years ago!  (and don't laugh....I didn't really have the whole blogging thing down back then!  hahaha) 
I had such an awesome time photographing her wedding and I'm so glad that we've remained friends!  :)


Call or email to schedule your Unbridaled Session TODAY!  |  617.328.6244
or contact me through my website or facebook page!  |
Don't forget to "LIKE" the facebook page!!!  BIG GIVEAWAY once we reach 500 fans!!!

1 comment:

Stephanie O'Neill said...

Had soo much fun!! Love them!